Word Study

Word Study Overview

Here is an overview of the spelling program I am using with the class this year. We call it Word Study, and the program is based on the research and materials in Words Their Way by Donald Bear and Shane Templeton. Word Study teaches students to look critically at words so they can build a deeper understanding of how spelling works to represent sounds and meaning. This is accomplished by sorting words into like categories based on the features they share. The main aspects of the program are as follows:

  • Students are put into appropriate level spelling groups depending on initial spelling assessments and teacher observations of students’ everyday spelling.
  • Students are introduced to a new group of words with a specific feature as its focus every week.
  • Students work on hands-on activities (both at school and at home) to sort words with common characteristics into defined groups.
  • Students think hard about whether these features mean they have to HEAR what the words have in common (sound patterns) or SEE what they have in common (spelling patterns) or both.

For example, we can see that the words saw, dawn and straw would be sorted into one category because the /aw/ sound in each word is spelled with the pattern aw.  The words caughtpause, and launch also contain the /aw/ sound but the spelling pattern is different (au). The word laugh is considered an “oddball” because it does not have the /aw/ sound (though it does have the au spelling pattern). By repeated sorting of words with similar features, students learn to examine and make judgments about new words they encounter based on what they have learned.

What I like best about Words Their Way spelling is that the students are provided with instruction that fits their own particular stage of spelling development and are moved along sequentially in their instruction. The program allows students to build on what they already know, learn what they need to do next, and move forward.

What does this mean for you at home?  Every week, your child will bring home a new collection of words to practice. These words are not meant to be memorized or written multiple times for rote practice. Instead, your child will be required to complete a different type of word sort with the words each night of the week. We have practiced these different types of word sorts in class… so your child should know what to do! All I ask is that you supervise each night’s sort. The file below describes how you can support your child at home with their word study sorts (this information will also be glued to the inside front cover of your child’s word study duotang):

Support At Home

On Fridays, I will assess how well the students learned that week’s features by giving a simple test that combines writing and sorting ten of your child’s words for the week. Your child will be asked to not only spell the words correctly but also sort them into the appropriate category. I will also give two bonus words that your child will not have seen but will each contain the features and follow the patterns that your child is studying that week.

I have modeled for the students how to do the various types of word sorts. Students have a word study envelope attached to the inside back cover of their Word Study duotang. They will keep their word study words there during their week of word study. How convenient! We even had a practice test using practice words to help get them used to the format).  Here is an example of the practice test sheet that will be used on Fridays: test example

I understand that it may take a few weeks until everyone is fully comfortable with this word study program. I have stressed to the children that they must be able to explain our word study program to you! Most sorting activities at home will only take a few minutes to complete (challenge your child to be FAST and ACCURATE during the speed sorts!).

For additional information on the Words Their Way word study program, please visit the site below:

Word Study – A Different Approach to Teaching Spelling

Here are a few pictures of our word study practice sessions from another year. Don’t forget you can click on an image to enlarge it. Hopefully, the images will help you to better visualize and understand what some of these word sort activities are all about!

Image 8

Doing a speed sort

Image 62

Doing a blind written sort

Image 7

Speed sort

Image 11

Speed sort

Image 10

Speed sort

Image 64

Blind written sort


Going on a word hunt!


Word hunt. Remember to use a different colour!

Speed sort

Speed sort

Blind written sort

Blind written sort



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