The students have been working hard on their biography poster projects. Many of them have nearly completed their poster (writing and colouring). The posters and biography books are being sent home with the students today. This will give the students plenty of time to refine/finish their poster, plan their costumes, and rehearse (memorize?!) the information on their poster before the presentation week (next week!). Since the students will be dressing up as their chosen figure, it might be best to have them present their poster information in the first person (e.g., “I was born….., In my childhood, I……, etc.) when they speak to the class. A prop or two might also add interest!
The schedule for the student presentations is below. Parents, please double-check your child’s backpack on the morning of their presentation to ensure that the costume, props (if any), poster, and biography book(s) are 100% packed (please!)
Here is the schedule:
Monday, December 16th: Jamie, Sayesha, Leo, Sarrinah
Tuesday, December 17th: Alex L., Emily, Miranda, Mustafa, Yixiu, Nathan, Logan
Wednesday, December 18th: Lydia, Ruby, Yixiao, Alice, Noah
Thursday, December 19th: Alex P., Andy, Ethan, Lucas, Vidhun
The students are SO excited to see each other’s presentations and costumes!
Here is the formal RUBRIC we will be using to assess the Biography projects: